摘要:Educational Leadership in TeachingExcellence (EnLITE) is a one-year program (Sept to Aug) at the University ofGuelph. It is designed to engage mid-careerfaculty in the theory, practice and scholarship of teaching and learning, andto establish and support a faculty community of practice which providesmentorship and leadership in teaching and learning in higher education. Divided into two subprograms, faculty participantsenrolled in EnLITE I critically examine and discuss scholarly topics onteaching and learning and in their own disciplines; collaborate with a teachingmentor; engage in classroom observation and peer feedback; and demonstratecommitment to continual improvement through completion of an individual programlearning plan, critically reflective teaching practice, and creation of anelectronic teaching dossier (ePortfolio). Participants meet twice monthly, in the larger cohort and in smaller groupscalled “Action Learning Sets.” Those wishing to engage in pedagogicalresearch may concurrently or subsequently enrol in EnLITE II, also a one-yearprogram. Participants in EnLITE II develop, implement and disseminate researchon teaching and learning in higher education, and are expected to demonstratehow results of their research inform their teaching practice. Participants meetmonthly in Action Learning Sets. Eachparticipant in EnLITE I and II embarks upon a process unique to theirindividual goals and objectives. The expectedtime commitment for each program is approximately 5 hours per week. Participants’progress is evaluated on a pass/fail basis against their own individual learningplan, and program outcomes. We see commitment to teaching and learning as beingrewarded both in the classroom from students, as well as faculty satisfaction andincreasingly, in tenure and promotion decisions.