摘要:A sensitive and specific ELISA for an antiarrhythmic drug, pilsicainide, was developed, which is capable of measuring as low as 1.6 ng/ml. Anti-pilsicainide antibody was obtained by immunizing rabbits with pilsicainide conjugated with bovine serum albumin using diazotized N-(3-amino-2,6-dimethylphenyl)-8-pyrrolizidinylacetamide (3-aminopilsicainide). Enzyme labeling of pilsicainide with β-D-galactosidase was similarly performed using a diazotized 3-aminopilsicainide. Cross-reactivity data showed that the antibody well recognizes both the aromatic ring and the pyrrolizidine moieties, and thus specific enough to the structure of pilsicainide. The values for the pilsicainide concentrations detected using this assay were comparable with those detected using HPLC. There was a good correlation between the values determined by the two methods. Moreover, the ELISA was about 30-fold more sensitive in detecting pilsicainide at lower concentrations. Using this assay, drug levels were easily measured in the serum of rabbits after oral administration of pilsicainide at a single dose of 1 mg/kg. The ELISA should be a valuable tool in therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) and pharmacokinetic studies of pilsicainide.