摘要:Stratification morphology of a molten pool under severe reactor accident was investigated by the CESEF experimental facility. The experimental scale was 5,000 g, the atomic ratio of U/Zr was 1.5, the content of stainless steel was 10%, and the oxidation degree of Zr was 40–100%. It was shown that the molten pool was obviously stratified within the range of experimental parameters; one was a metal layer, and the other was an oxide layer. The layered morphology of the molten pool was different with the composition of different corium. With the decrease in the Zr oxidation degree, the metal layer moved downward in the molten pool, and the molten pool would overturn. The main elements in the oxide layer were U, Zr, and O, and the content of stainless steel was low. The main element in the metal layer was stainless steel and contained a certain amount of U and Zr.