摘要:Polyporus Sclerotium (猪苓), botanically from the Polyporus umbellatus (P ERS .) F RIES , was traditionally used for the purpose of promoting diuresis. The present study investigated the diuretic effect of ergosta-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one (ergone) which is a maker component according to the chemical assay for its quality standardization. It resulted in a reversion to ordinary value of the urinary ratio of Na/K in deoxycoricosterone acetate (DOCA)-treated and adrenalectomized rats, although it had no this effect on the Na or K contents as well as Na/K value both in normal rats and in adrenalectomized rats without DOCA. These data indicate that ergone possesses an anti-aldosteronic diuretic effect. Moreover, it was identified in the blood and bile of rats after its administration to the gastrointestinal tract. The above results demonstrate that it is an active component of Polyporus Sclerotium.