摘要:Some Artemisia herbs are used for medicinal purposes. In particular, A. princeps and A. argyi are classified as ‘Aeyup’ and are used as important medicinal material in traditional Korean medicine. On the other hand, A. capillaris and A. iwayomogi , which are classified as ‘Injinho’ and ‘Haninjin’, respectively, are used for other purposes distinct from those of ‘Aeyup’. However, sometimes ‘Aeyup’ is not clearly discriminated from ‘Injinho’ and/or ‘Haninjin’. Furthermore, Artemisia capillaris and/or A. iwayomogi have been used in place of A. princeps and A. argyi. In this study, we developed an efficient method to discriminate A. argyi and A. princeps from other Artemisia plants. The RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) method efficiently discriminated various Artemisia herbs. In particular, non-specific primer 329 (5′-GCG AAC CTC C-3′), which shows polymorphism among Artemisia herbs, amplified 838 bp products, which are specific to A. princeps and A. argyi only. Based on nucleotide sequence of the primer 329 product, we designed a Fb (5′-CAT CAA CCA TGG CTT ATC CT-3′) and R7 (5′-GCG AAC CTC CCC ATT CCA-3′) primer-set to amplify a 254 bp sized SCAR (sequence characterized amplified regions) marker, through which A. princeps and A. argyi can be efficiently discriminated from other Artemisia herbs, particularly, A. capillaris and A. iwayomogi .
关键词:Artemisia princeps;Artemisia argyi;Artemisia herb;random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD);sequence characterized amplified regions (SCAR) marker