摘要:Objectives: We investigated an influence of salt intake during gestation or lactation in salt preference of weaning Dahl salt sensitive (Dahl S) strain. Material and Methods: Nine-week-old female Dahl S rats, after mated with the male, were divided into 1) high-salt group fed a 4% NaCl diet (high-salt mother) or 2) low-salt group fed a 0.3% NaCl diet (low-salt mother) during gestation or lactation periods. Using 0.4%, 0.6% and 0.8% (w/v) saline solutions, we assessed salt preference in their offspring after weaning. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) was determined by tail cuff method. Results: Both the male and female offspring from low-salt mothers during gestation consumed equal amounts of any saline solution. However, the amount of each saline solution was higher in the offspring of low-salt mothers than those of high-salt mothers. This resulted in a significant increase of salt intake in both the male and female offspring of low-salt mothers compared with those of high-salt mothers. In contrast, both the male and female offspring from low-mothers during lactation rather preferred the lower concentration of saline solution, and this resulted in less salt intake in the offspring of low-salt mothers than those of high-salt mothers. Conclusions: We demonstrated that low salt diet in pregnant mothers increased salt intake of their offspring. The offspring of mothers fed a low salt diet during lactation had less salt than those of high-salt mothers. The influence of salt intake of mothers in their offspring varies along with the growth stage of their babies.