期刊名称:Jurnal Handayani: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Pra Sekolah dan Pendidikan Dasar
出版社:Universitas Negeri Medan
摘要:Optimization is important in an algorithm. It can save the operational costs of an activity. In the Minimum Spanning Tree, the goal is to achieve how all vertices are connected with the smallest weights. Several algorithms can calculate the use of weights in this. The purpose of this study is to find out the Primary electricity distribution network graph model and correct algorithm to determine the minimum spanning tree. By comparing three algorithms, Prim’s, Boruvka’s and Kruskal’s algorithm, it will get an efficient algorithm to solve the minimum spanning tree problem. To get the output it takes several steps: Data collection: Designing Model: calculating the minimum spanning tree of Prim’s, the Boruvka’s and Kruskal’s algorithm: Comparing the efficiency of each algorithms. The analysis shows that the Prim’s and Bruvka’s and Kruskal’s algorithm have different steps even though the final result in the form of weights obtained in achieving the minimum spanning tree is the same. But in the case of electric network optimization, the Prim’s algorithm is more efficient in installing of primary electricity distribution in Gand Asia City at Labuhan Ruku by PT.PLN branch Tanjung Tiram, Batubara district.