摘要:A combination of purine and xanthine oxidase (XOD) dose-dependently elicited sustained contraction of porcine coronary arterial rings and resulted in increased concentrations of superoxide anions and hydrogen peroxide. These contractile responses appeared, with a delay, after the application of purine and XOD, used as a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generating system. Coronary arteries precontracted with prostaglandin F2α failed to relax in response to substance P after exposing the arterial preparation to this ROS-generating system. The contractile response of the coronary artery to the ROS-generating system was almost completely inhibited by catalase (130 U/ml), and was partially inhibited by superoxide dismutase (60 U/ml), or mannitol (30 m M ). A voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channel antagonist, nicardipine, had no effect on contraction. Dysfunction of endothelial cells was completely prevented by catalase, but not by superoxide dismutase or mannitol. These results suggest that superoxide anions, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals might be involved in eliciting sustained, delayed-onset coronary artery contraction, which is not related to L-type Ca2+ channels. They also suggest that hydrogen peroxide might play a major role in endothelial dysfunction of the porcine coronary artery.