摘要:The wave-driven catamaran is a small surface vehicle driven by ocean waves. It consists of a hull and hydrofoils, and has a multi-body dynamic structure. The process of moving from static state to autonomous navigation driven by ocean waves is called “self-propulsion”, and reflects the ability of the wave-driven catamaran to absorb oceanic wave energy. Considering the importance of the design of the wave-driven catamaran, its self-propulsion performance should be comprehensively analysed. However, the wave-driven catamaran’s multi-body dynamic structure, unpredictable dynamic and kinematic responses driven by waves make it difficult to analyse its self-propulsion performance. In this paper, firstly, a multi-body dynamic model is established for wave-driven catamaran. Secondly, a two-phase numerical flow field containing water and air is established. Thirdly, a numerical simulation method for the self-propulsion process of the wave-driven catamaran is proposed by combining the multi-body dynamic model with a numerical flow field. Through numerical simulation, the hydrodynamic response, including the thrust of the hydrofoils, the resistance of the hull and the sailing velocity of the wave-driven catamaran are identified and comprehensively analysed. Lastly, the accuracy of the numerical simulation results is verified through a self-propulsion test in a towing tank. In contrast with previous research, this method combines multi-body dynamics with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to avoid errors caused by artificially setting the motion mode of the catamaran, and calculates the real velocity of the catamaran.