标题:Treinamento de dupla tarefa associado a estratégias cognitivas de associao e imagem mental: impacto no equilíbrio, cognio e na saúde mental de idosos
出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of a dual-task (DT) protocol, associated with cognitive association strategies and mental image on balance, cognition, anxiety and depressive symptoms in the elderly. This is a quasi-experimental study, in which 10 elderly people participated in a DT activity program for six weeks. Short Physical Performance Battery (SPBB), MINI-ACE, MAC-Q, Geriatric Depression Scale and Geriatric Anxiety Inventory tests were used. Data analysis was conducted using the Shapiro-Wilk, dependent student t and Cohen d tests (p 0.05) in cognitive skills, depressive symptoms and anxiety symptoms between the first and last DT intervention encounter. It was found that only performance in balance showed changes between the first (x = 10.50) and last (x = 11.10) intervention encounter, showing statistically significant significance (p = 0.005), and magnitude of the mean difference ( d=0.69). It was concluded that the intervention program in DT for six weeks had a positive effect only on the balance performance of the elderly.