标题:As repercusses da amamentao e do uso de bicos artificiais na funo estomatognática e na saúde sistêmica do bebê nos primeiros mil dias de vida: Uma reviso bibliográfica
出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:Objectives: The aim of this study was to present the repercussions of breastfeeding and the use of artificial teats on the baby's stomatognathic function in the first days of life through a review of narrative literature. Literature review: Breastfeeding plays an important role in the development of the baby's facial structures and can be considered a protective factor against the establishment of malocclusions, in addition to contributing to the physiological function of the stomatognathic system and being responsible for breathing, swallowing, suction, chewing and speech articulation. Artificial teats are characterized by the provision of pacifiers and bottles to the child, which may occur simultaneously or separately. The presence of a pacifier or bottle during the first year of life can compromise the development of the child's stomatognathic system. Final considerations: Promoting breastfeeding is essential for a better quality of life and bonding between mother and child, it must be part of the dental prenatal period, birth, and in routine consultations. For this, trained professionals are needed who can reinforce the benefits of breastfeeding during these times. Regarding the use of artificial nipples in childhood, we should advise parents about the risks of using them, as well as try to reduce their use, as they generate oral changes, affecting the child's growth and development.