摘要:The objective of this study is to establish a relationship of the skin penetration parameters between the three-dimensional cultured human epidermis LabCyte EPI-MODEL (LabCyte) and hairless mouse (HLM) skin penetration in vitro and to predict the skin penetration and plasma concentration profile in human. The skin penetration experiments through LabCyte and HLM skin were investigated using 19 drugs that have a different molecular weight and lipophilicity. The penetration flux for LabCyte reached 30 times larger at maximum than that for HLM skin. The human data can be estimated from the in silico approach with the diffusion coefficient ( D ), the partition coefficient ( K ) and the skin surface concentration ( C ) of drugs by assuming the bi-layer skin model for both LabCyte and HLM skin. The human skin penetration of β-estradiol, prednisolone, testosterone and ethynylestradiol was well agreed between the simulated profiles and in vitro experimental data. Plasma concentration profiles of β-estradiol in human were also simulated and well agreed with the clinical data. The present alternative method may decrease human or animal skin experiment for in vitro skin penetration.