摘要:This article outlined a conceptual framework for understanding the social psychology phase of the older adults in fulfilling their activity needs later in life towards a meaningful life. This study used a phenomenological approach by conducting in-depth telephone interviews with PMK-DT Bandung Program alumni from batches 25 and 32. This study also aimed to reveal the "Golden Age Boarding School" program at Pondok Pesantren Daarut Tauhiid Bandung (PMK-DT) in meeting the needs spiritual. Gerontranscendence theory was fundamental for the elderly who participated in the training to adjust to the next phase of life. This training used a habituation approach and strengthening of religious values for participants to keep practicing after returning to their homes and the humanism approach by ustadz in the training process and program evaluation. After participating in the training program, the results showed that the older adults felt calmer in their lives, full of spirituality, and could even invite other family members to practice suitable living arrangements; for example, they did the five salats (obligatory prayers) on time, increased their charity and other good deeds. Several alumni were interested in joining the PMK follow-up program offered by DT Bandung.