期刊名称:Mankavarzhut'yan ev hogebanut'yan himnakhndirner
出版社:Khachatur Abovyan Armenian State Pedagogical University
摘要:The article touches upon the issue of the application of the political and societal discourse on the issues of migration and eurosceptocisim in the context of the European Parliament elections of 2014. The wide use of the mentioned discourse and argumentation connected with migration was particularly exploited by far right parties. Three specific methods of the application of this discourse have been discussed: depicting migration as a sourse of “threat” and fear, as a source of islamophobia and exlopiting the fact that the discourse was often alienated from socio–economic and political realities. Some parallels have been drawn with the discourse on migration in Armenia. Key words – migration, political discourse, societal discourse, European parliament, European elections, far–right parties, populism, islamophobia, euroscepticism.