出版社:Grupo de Pesquisa Metodologias em Ensino e Aprendizagem em Ciências
摘要:This article is the result of a Master's thesis in Science Education and aims to propose a new methodological proposal called Quadrangulation, which refers to a conscious mental process that relates and connects four levels of representation of matter (macroscopic, submicroscopic, symbolic, and characteristics) to work with the physical and chemical transformations of matter. The activities developed through weekly meetings with 8 students from the 1st year of High School in the Regular Education/Teaching modality for 10 weeks. Questionnaires were used as a research instrument. It is characterized as a cross-sectional study, with an exploratory and explanatory qualitative approach. Data were obtained through the application of a pre-test questionnaire with open questions, expository class, construction of didactic material, and post-test questionnaire. Based on the data analysis, it was noticed that the Quadrangulation method can help and collaborate with the teaching and learning of students in the study of subject transformations, representing an advance for the improvement of Science Teaching in schools.
关键词:Chemistry teaching;Course materials;Matter;Physical and chemical transformations;Teaching-learning.