摘要:Over the past 20 years, the emergence of social media and its developments have rapidly changed communication and information technology. Social media plays a necessary part in accessing information and communication. In spite of its many advantages, users have also been facing many threats on social media platforms. This research aims to analyze and resolve these threats by using the new concepts of complex cubic T spherical fuzzy sets (CCuTSFS) that have a broad structure including degrees of membership, neutral-membership, and non-membership. It does a better job of modeling uncertainty than any other preexisting structure. Furthermore, we defined the concepts of the Cartesian product (CP) between CCuTSFSs, complex cubic T spherical fuzzy relation (CCuTSFR) and the types of CCuTSFRs with appropriate examples. This study looked at the relationship between different types of security and threats on social media for the first time in fuzzy set theory. The proposed methods demonstrate how to control the effects of threats by using valid security methods. Finally, the benefits of the presented strategies are explained in the comparative study.