摘要:In this study, a laboratory experiment was conducted to investigate quantitatively turbulent exchange between two quasi-homogeneous layers of equal thickness and different density (salinity), as well as the fine structure of the density transition zone (interface) between the layers. The fluid was continuously stirred by a system of horizontally oscillating vertical rods, piercing through both layers and producing vertically homogeneous turbulent impact in a two-layered fluid. In every experimental run, the stirring process was carried out continuously from certain initial state up to the complete mixing of the layers. The buoyancy flux between the layers was estimated using the data on time changes of the salinity in both upper and lower layers. The fine structure of density interface was measured by vertically profiling conductivity microprobe. The results were presented in a dimensionless form and analyzed depending on two dimensionless parameters as follows: the Richardson number, Ri, and Reynolds number, Re. It was found that if Ri>Ri∗Re where Ri∗ is the critical Richardson number, the interface exists in “sharpening” mode and in “eroding” (diffusive) mode if Ri