摘要:As population aging is becoming a global phenomenon, the search for food for elderly continues. Since elderly population is associated with non-communicable diseases, elderly food development must provide nutritious value and physiological needs. The objective of this study was to develop a ready-to-mix beverage with resistant rice starch type 3 (RS-3) as one of the ingredients. Five Thai rice varieties were modified into resistant-starch type 3 (RS-3). The dietary quality was conducted by measuring rapidly available glucose (RAG) and slowly available glucose (SAG) which was used for primary study of the glycemic index (GI). Riceberry variety showed the highest potential and was used to formulate. Market survey with elderly population (n=400, age>50) revealed additional protein and vegetables that should be included in the beverage. Mixture design was used to initiate the formulation before fine-tuning with sensory analysis. Sucralose was utilized as an alternative sweetener and xanthan gum was added to improve the texture and viscosity to assist population with dysphagia. Using a 7-point hedonic face scale, panelists liked the product slightly to moderately with 0.7% xanthan gum (5.7±1.09) and 0.1% sucralose (5.5±0.89). The viscosity of water and beverage mix at 150:12 (w/w) were found appropriate for patient with dysphagia (700±12.50 mPa.s). The appropriate formulation of RS3-rice starch into elderly beverage were developed, however, the consumer acceptance test is suggested to be continued.
关键词:Elderly beverage;RS-3 rice starch;elderly food development;dysphagia beverage;beverage for diabetes