摘要:Gliricidia (Gamal) is a high protein forage source. Gamal contains 24-25% crude protein. In Bangka Belitung Islands, Gamal is deliberately cultivated as a climbing pole and shade for pepper plants. Usually, Gamal shoots are trimmed once every three months, the leaves can be used as feed. Apart from Gamal, Cassava leaves are also a nutritious feed ingredient. Cassava leaves contain 23.04% crude protein, 24.86% dry matter, and 64.87% dry matter digestibility. This study aims to determine feed consumption, body weight gain, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of young Bali bulls into small farmers. This research was conducted in Simpang Perlang Village, Central Bangka Regency from June to October 2016. The sample used was 24 young Bali bulls aged 1-3 years with an average live weight of 186.3 kg, which were grouped into 4 (four) feed treatments and 2 (two) age groups, namely 1-2 years and 2-3 years, where each was given 3 (three) replications. Data was analyzed using a completely randomized design and the DMRT test. The results showed that the feed factor and age factor significantly (P < 0.05) had an effect on feed consumption, body weight gain, and FCR.