摘要:Acoustic pyrometry is an interesting technique that may find several useful applications in turbomachinery. It is well known that the speed of sound in a medium is directly related to its temperature. Acoustic pyrometry estimates the temperature of a gas by considering the time of flight of an acoustic wave moving through it. If one acoustic emitter-receiver couple is used, only the average temperature along the acoustic path can be determined. If multiple emitter-receiver couples laying on the same plane are used, a reconstruction of the temperature map in the section is possible. In this last case, the analysis is based on the fact that the temperature of each sub portion of the section affects the time of flight of all the acoustic paths travelling across it. Many parameters affect the accuracy of the measurement. They are mainly related to the physic of the sound propagation in a medium, the accuracy of the instrumentation used, the interaction between the acoustic wave and the flow velocity and the hardware set-up. In this study, the impact of the measurement set up of an acoustic pyrometry for the measurement of the exhaust gas temperature in a gas turbine was investigated to determine the optimal solution in terms of accuracy and robustness to uncertainties.