摘要:A deep understanding of the rainfall-runoff mechanism is essential to estimate the runoff generated in a given basin. In this regard, this paper aims to develop a continuous hydrological model of the Bouregreg watershed. The objective of this modelling is to evaluate the inflow to the Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah (SMBA) dam, located at the outlet of this basin. To this end, using the HEC-HMS model, the Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA) Loss Method was used to model infiltration losses. The SCS Unit hydrograph (SCS UH) and the Recession method were chosen as transform model and baseflow model, respectively. As a result, the comparison shows an acceptable agreement between observed and simulated flow in terms of streamflow distribution and peak values (NSE=0.57, R2=0.58). During validation, the model retained its ability to sufficiently reproduce the rainfall-runoff mechanism of the studied basin with a slight overestimation of peaks (NSE=0.61, R2=0.60). This study allows to assess and predict the inter-annual and intra-annual variation of the SMBA dam reservoir’ inflows, and therefore to forecast the climate change impact on this basin.