摘要:Many schools are located in high-risk areas. Safety education in Indonesia is limited to disaster education with a risk paradigm. The practice is separated from Child-Friendly School, which protects children from violence. In addition, many contents of safety education have not been provided in school because of many limitations. Therefore the development of Disaster Preparedness and Safety School/Sekolah Selamat Siaga Bencana (SSSB) model with a multi-hazard approach is viewed as a strategic move, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose is to determine the indicators that can reflect SSSB measurement tools. This was a descriptive study with a three-stage multi-method approach, starting from a literature review to formulate the constructs and indicators. Subsequently, I used qualitative and quantitative methods combined with the sequential exploratory method. Sampling was conducted by the purposive sampling method. The results show that the measurement tool consists of 7 constructs, 29 indicators, and 80 questions that reflect SSSB: commitment, curriculum, information exposure, infrastructure and facilities, preparedness, monitoring system, empowerment of institutional roles and capacity of school communities. The instrument’s content validity as measured by the Content Validity Ratio (CVR) and Content Validity Index (CVI) indicated high content validity. This measuring tool can help schools to increase school resilience from multi-hazard threats.