摘要:Cold and hot WHTC (World harmonized Transient-State Cycle) were separately run on the engine test bed for a heavy-duty natural gas engine fuelled with high calorific value natural gas and low calorific value natural gas. The particle emissions including PN10 (number of particles above 10nm) and PN23 (number of particles above 23nm) were measured. The results show that the transient emission of PN10 and PN23 have basically the same trends. The weighted specific emission of PN10 is 21.6 times of PN23. Cold start PN emissions account for a relatively large proportion. Fuel property has a great influence on the PN emissions of natural gas engines. The increase of carbon-containing fuels such as methane and ethane in the fuel gas will lead to a rapid increase in PN emissions especially in the cold start process. It is extremely important to strengthen the control of sub-23nm particulate emissions for heavy-duty natural gas engines.
关键词:Heavy duty natural gas engine;sub-23 nm particle;particle number;emission