摘要:The Covid-19 pandemic is a global disease outbreak that quickly spreads throughout the world and transmits from one person to another so easily and is a form of danger that has the potential to threaten all aspects of people's lives. These negative impacts include social, economic, health, and psychological impacts, even to the point of threatening national defense and security, due to the limited space for human movement in carrying out daily activities. But there are also positive influences that we unconsciously admit, not only producing clean air but making individuals mentally strong and changing personalities for a better life. Adaptation of new life patterns from before makes people learn about the meaning of maintaining cleanliness in the face of a pandemic with new habits in maintaining personal hygiene, family, and the surrounding environment. The long-term impact on society is to produce people who are tough in facing life by taking advantage of existing opportunities into innovations in running life with the emergence of creative businesses as a new source of income in meeting the needs of families today and in the future.