摘要:The natural disaster in pandemic covid-19 will still ongoing in East Java, Indonesia. Apart from the virus pandemic, there are still several potential disasters in that sub-district, namely floods and landslides. Many disasters have occurred resulting in the need for people living in the area to anticipate, especially if the three disasters occur simultaneously. In Malang, this case of sub-district apparatus and the BPBD Malang City has not been able to optimally help restore the condition of the community due to the complexity of conditions that occur in the field. Therefore, the community needs to know their capacity to be able to anticipate if it is two or three will happen. Capacity is a combination of all the forces that exist in a community, social or organizational group that can reduce the impact of disaster risk or impact (UN-ISDR, 2004). The capacity assessment in this study identifies the capitals owned by the community. These capitals include natural, human, physical, financial, and social capital. The five capitals will later be described in the pentagon assets so that it will be known which capacities in the capital are the strengths and weaknesses of the people of Dinoyo and Sukun sub-district.