摘要:Southeast Asia was in a natural disaster thus the management was supposed to be a priority to the existing states in this territory. It is the most vulnerable to disaster in the world. By then, the member states of ASEAN agree to issue the regulation for disaster management, ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) that in forwarding established ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance on Disaster Management (AHA Centre). It is facilitating cooperation and coordination for disaster management in the ASEAN territory. The organization was established in Indonesia as a member state with potential disaster. To reinforce the regulation and disaster management system, the government issues Act No.24 of 2007 on disaster management as the base and manual. The policy refers to the activities implemented immediately for an accident in control arising worst impact, involving rescue and evacuation of the victim, properties, compliance of demand, shelter, refugees handling, and facilities-infrastructure restoration. Moreover, the Act regulating disaster mitigation-based layout system set in an attempt to improve safety and living comfort.