摘要:In this paper, we introduce a new continuous distribution of two parameterscalled as a generalized Quasi Lindley distribution (GQLD). The GQLD is asum of two independent Quasi Lindley distributed random variables. Compre-hensive statistical properties of the GQLD are provided in closed forms includesmoments, reliability analysis, stochastic ordering, stress-strength reliability, andthe distribution of order statistics. The parameters of the new distribution areestimated by the maximum likelihood, maximum product of spacings, ordinaryleast squares, weighted least squares, Cramer-von-Mises, and Anderson-Darlingmethods are considered. A simulation study is conducted to investigate theeciency of the proposed estimators and applications to real data sets are pro-vided.
关键词:Quasi Lindley distribution;Independent random variables;Method of maximum product of spacings;Methods of least squares;Methods of minimum distances.