期刊名称:Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:Aims: The study aims to overview about the marketing activities of banana industry in Vietnam based on the case study in Khoai Chau district, Vietnam. Methodology: Both primary and secondary data were used in this study. Primary data was collected through face-to-face interviews and mobile phone with market participants using semi-structured questionnaire in two year 2016 and 2019. The descriptive analysis method was used to describe channels of distribution, marketing practices of farmers and traders, flow of product from producers to consumers, and problems that banana farmers and traders encounter in their business operations. Results: The results show that banana was sold through 13 channels for both domestic and international markets. At traders’ level market, non-contract was popularly applied by retailers in both selling and buying operations. Majority of banana growers have small operations and engage in small transactions and individually with buyers. They do not have market power in setting the price. They are often faced with unstable price and difficulty in entering high income market. Establishing banana grower association in each commune would enable growers to maintain and monitor the quality of banana especially among small growers. Though collective marketing, they can link with large and stable potential markets such as supermarkets and other institutional buyers.
关键词:Vietnam’s fruit industry;marketing activities;Khoai Chau’s banana