摘要:Human Resource Management Practices have been defined as systems that are intended to give assurance to the successful administration of the human capital within an organization. It expected to motivate, attract and retain those employees with competencies to enable the organization to stand tall among its competitors. This competitive advantage has been affected by the employee's behavior individually and collectively. Employees are expected to behave in an ethical manner to win the trust of customers and stakeholders. This ethical behavior which has been described as those employee behaviors which are consistent with the requirements or expectations of stakeholders. Employee behavior can also be affected by the work climate available to them. This work climate if ethical can shape the ethicality of individual and collective employees conduct within the organization. Ethical work climate have been defined as those social environment which are consciously perceived by the employees and stakeholders of the organization. Organizations have attempted to use so many ways to manage the behavior of their employees. These practices include paying attention to values that can change the beliefs and actions of employees such as developing codes of ethics for compliance. However developing an ethical work climate which can change or shape employee ethical behaviors and subsequently result in improved employee performance is a key concern HRM and therefore need to take an active role developing ethical work climate which every member of the organization may view to be promoting the ethical values required by the organization.
关键词:Human Resource Management Practices;Ethical Work Climate;Ethical Behavior