摘要:Organizational success is highly dependent on the input of the employees in this respect; it is important that the employees are motivated. The study intended to establish the relationship between motivation and employee performance. The study was guided by Expectancy theory and the goal-setting theory. The researcher adopted a descriptive survey design. Primary data was collected using structured questionnaires, secondary data was collected using employee performance appraisal scores. The findings established that motivation of the employees at Avenue is influenced by training and development, job security, salaries and benefit, job satisfaction, and employee recognition. The findings indicated that employee recognition had the highest positive and significant correlation with employee performance, this was closely followed by job security, then training and development of the employees, salaries, and benefits had a moderate correlation, and lastly, job satisfaction had a small but definite correlation with employee performance. From the findings, the organization needs to develop employee recognition policies and make sure that they are known to the employees of the organization. The organization needs to build the confidence of the employees with regards to their job security. Avenue hospital Kisumu needs to create opportunities for employee training and development. The organization also needs to improve its medical benefits to the employees. The study concluded that motivation influenced the performance of employees at Avenue Hospital Kisumu.