出版社:Lembaga Penelitian Mahasiswa Penalaran Universitas Negeri Makassar (LPM Penalaran UNM)
摘要:This research is the development model adopted Borg and Gall conducted in SMA Negeri 1 Tellusiattinge District of Bone. Sampel study were 30 students of SMA Negeri 1 Tellusiattinge. This research was implemented in the second semester of the academic year 2015/2016. The results showed that the authentic assessment instruments that have been developed on the material excretory system is very valid in the category with a value of 3.78 for the attitude, skill and 3.64 to 3.58 for the cognitive tests. To test the reliability of the instrument, the assessment and cognitive tests that are in the category of reliable value 0.760 and 0.723, while the skills assessment instruments that are in the category of unreliability with a value of 0.633. Cognitive tests that have been developed have quality levels of difficultyeasy 33% category, the category was 45%, 23% difficult category; different powercategory 3% excellent, 53% good category, a category quite 20%, 18% weak category, and the category no different power 8%; quality humbugeffective category 35% and 65% category ineffective.