摘要:Marital satisfaction is a significant to the stability of any nation since the family is the basic unit of any nation. Too much marital dissatisfaction may lead to family members being unstable socially which hence societal problems. The purpose of this study therefore sought to establish age in relation to marital satisfaction among selected spouses. The objective for the study: to determine the implication of age at marriage and marital satisfaction. The social exchange theory and attachment theory were adopted to inform the study. The researcher used a correlation design. The population of the study comprised 4,019 spouses and a sample size of 200 spouses was randomly selected for the study. Data was collected by using the Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire. Content and construct validity was ascertained by a pilot study of applying 20 questionnaires outside the area of study by a questionnaire vetted peers. Reliability was established by the calculating Cronbachs’ Alfa Coeffecient by administering the questionnaire to 20 respondents who did not take part in the final study. Reliability coefficients of 0.763, 0.710, 0.716 and 0.701 were reported and were all above the recommended value. Data analysis was done using statistical techniques of ANOVA, Post Hoc tests and Independent Samples by aid of statistical package of social sciences version 22. The findings and recommendations were given accordingly at the end of the paper..
关键词:age;predictor;marital;satisfaction households;Kisii County