摘要:The youth constitute the backbone of every society and they have critical role to play towards community development processes. This study evaluated the role of youth groups in the community development processes in the Nkwanta South Municipality. The study adopted mixed method approach, specifically concurrent triangulation which allowed the researcher to employ both the quantitative and qualitative approaches to study a phenomenon at the same time. The purposive sampling technique was employed to select 180 respondents for the study. It was realized that the youth groups in the area sensitize their members on the importance of education. It was also found out that there exist a positive correlation between youth development and the contributions of youth groups in the community development processes in the area. The study recommends that the capacity, knowledge, attitudes, values and skills of the youth should be developed through organization of trainings sessions, workshops, conferences, seminars and sports and games to enable them contribute meaningfully towards community development..
关键词:Community development;self-help projects;youth groups