摘要:The aim of this study was to compare three approaches of teaching medical a parasitological course. This cross-sectional study was carried out on 94 medical and pharmacy students. Lecture-based approach, problem-based approach and combined approach were applied to teach the parasitology course. Kappa and SPSS16 were used to analyze the obtained data. 82.9% of students were interested in lecture-based learning, 64.9% were attracted by problem-based learning and 91.5% opted for combined approach. 96.8% and 62.8% of the students preferred final examination be administered as multiple choice questions and case history tests, respectively. 97.9% of them indicated that the lecturer’s behavior affected the learning outcome and 67% did not believe in the impact of papers on teaching and learning parasitology course. Further, students were interested in using logbooks in practical laboratory (P<0.005). Combined approach should be initiated and directed toward harmonization of the curriculum to enhance learning.