期刊名称:Via Spiritus : Revista de História da Espiritualidade e do Sentimento Religioso
出版社:Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
摘要:The aim of this essay is to offer a historical excursus of both theevents and of the most recent international historiographical acquisitions over oneof the most important topics of Middle Ages: the so-called “Gregorian Reform”.This concept has been much debated in the last decades by scholars, in order tounderstand better the multiple implications occurred in Western Europe resultingfrom the transformation of the Roman Church structure since the eleventh century.The picture emerging from both sources and historical research, however, is verydifferent from the traditional image of Gregory VII and his Reform, revealing,on the contrary, a plural, complex and various context that deeply affected therelations between Rome and the Church in the eleventh and twelfth century.