摘要:The article considers the journal of military events “Voina s Yaponiei” (“War with Japan”) as ahistorical source on the history of the Russian-Japanese war of 1904−1905.As materials for the preparation of the work there were used 35 issues of the weekly illustrated journal“Voina s Yaponiei”.In methodological terms, the work is based on the principle of historicism and objectivity. A greatattention is paid to the method of source analysis, since the studied journal is considered as a historicalsource. The principle of historicism allowed us to consider the studied events in their historical sequence,and to achieve objectivity, the authors considered all issues of the journal “Voina s Yaponiei”.In conclusion, the authors state that the weekly illustrated journal “Voina s Yaponiei” was one of thefirst attempts to create a journal of military events of the period of the Russo-Japanese war in the RussianEmpire. The period of the journal's existence was short, about 6 months (from June 13 to December 31,1904) and during this time 35 issues of the journal were published. The journal had several permanentheadings: stories, the history of military affairs, military review, as well as news from both the Russian andJapanese sides. Besides this, the journal also published materials of personal origin – notes and memoirs ofwar correspondents, soldiers and sailors. Throughout the entire period, the journal published well-knownRussian writers, among whom were I.A. Lyubich-Koshurov, N.A. Turgenev, P. Krasnov and others.