摘要:The vulnerability to pollution of the area between Wadi Shueib and the Dead Sea in the Jordan Valley (AB1) subsurface basis was assessed and evaluated using raster calculation and DRASTIC model for imaging maps in this research. The seven DRASTIC model parameters are: Depth to water, net Recharge, Aquifer media, Soil media, Topography, Impact of vadose zone and Hydraulic conductivity. The seven variables are evaluated by the rating and the weighting numerical indexes. The vulnerability parameters are categorized depending on a fixed interval of suburban area percentage. It showed that the ABI Subsurface was categorized by high vulnerability classes while the middle and western parts were categorized by high to extreme vulnerability classes. The southern part of the AB1 displayed low aquifer vulnerability. The vulnerability map shows the high risk suffered by the middle and western parts of the AB1 Subbasin due to the high possibility pollution of intensive fruit and vegetable cultivation.
关键词:Aquifer Vulnerability; DRASTIC; Imaging Map; Dead Sea; Wadi Shueib; Jordan Valley