摘要:AbstractThe paper deals with a comparison of initial ideas of the Industry 4.0 activities and the state of the art of recent development of industrial production. Authors demonstrate their professional opinion that standardization of production procedures, communication technologies based on IoT and IIoT, TSN networks, OPC UA protocols, interfaces, new control architectures, cyber security principles, and methods, are the most important background for success in a serious step into the 4th industrial revolution. Authors shortly specify the basic activities in the very up-to-date production in the I4.0 fashion. Next, they explain, in more detail, the basic principle of totally decentralized control fashion, due to high intelligent components of the I4.0 production, hence the I4.0 components. For this purpose, the authors concentrate their attention on the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) as the digital twin from the I4.0 point of view. They provide recommendations in the creation of AAS for any production component. All remarks and recommendations are in conformance with the intention and solution of standardization gremium of Europe, the German-based Platform Industrie 4.0 (ZVEI, VDI/VDE, Bitcom), the Alliance Industrie du Futur in France, and the Piano Industria 4.0 in Italy.