摘要:Small individual sellers and retailers use live streaming as a direct selling channel to demonstrate and sell their products. This study proposes a framework that examines the influence of live streaming attributes on customer trust and intentions to watch and purchase fashion clothing. Drawing on prior literature, we examine an extensive list of 20 live streaming attributes including product attributes, seller attributes, and other related attributes. The study is performed on 476 Thai consumers with diverse demographics. Results show that product quality and price transparency significantly influence customer trust and intentions to watch and purchase, while seller’s image of being trustworthy and the quality of seller’s Facebook page only show weak relationships. Another finding is that seller pre-announcing their broadcast timing will encourage higher intention to watch. And as expected, the trust in seller positively influences trust in product. These findings suggest opportunities for sellers to focus their attention on important live streaming attributes to develop trust with their customers and increase their customer intentions to watch and purchase. The study concludes with discussion on managerial implications and future work on live streaming commerce for fashion clothing products.