摘要:AbstractIn this paper, we propose to improve an OSG (Orthogonal Signal Generator) based technique in order to extract mechanical faults from a PMSM (Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor) with variable mechanical speed. This technique is part of the MCSA (Motor Current Signal Analysis) family. In this particular case, we use a single current measurement. The technique can be used on-line and without a mechanical speed sensor. A stability analysis of the adaptive OSG method is presented in this paper. Order tracking extraction is added to ensure robust analysis and detection of variable speed faults. A comparison is made with the Concordia and TKEO (Teager Kaiser Enregy Operator) methods on an experimental bench with a mechanical fault emulator. A statistical study of the fault detection is conducted based on the experimental results
关键词:KeywordsInduction motor diagnosisCurrent demodulationmono-dimensional methodsOrthogonal Signal Generator