摘要:Indication of cluster membership, based on parallax and proper motion. A few uncertain cases are labeled with question marks. b The evolutionary classification scheme is explained in the text (Section 6) and the caption of Figure 2, based on the position in Gaia color–magnitude diagrams. Abbreviations are: AGB (asymptotic giant branch); RGB (red giant branch); HB (horizontal branch); rPAGB, yPAGB, bPAGB, and vPAGB (red, yellow, blue, and violet post-AGB stars); AHB (above-horizontal branch); and CV (cataclysmic variable). c Remarks: (15) 5904 ZNG 1: known hot vPAGB star (e.g., Dixon et al. 2004), not contained in EDR3 because of neighboring (0. 5 2) bright red giant; position obtained from HST images.