摘要:We constrain the angular momentum architecture of HD 106906, a 13 ± 2 Myr old system in the ScoCen complex composed of a compact central binary, a widely separated planetary-mass tertiary HD 106906 b, and a debris disk nested between the binary and tertiary orbital planes. We measure the orientations of three vectors: the companion spin axis, companion orbit normal, and disk normal. Using near-IR high-resolution spectra from Gemini/IGRINS, we obtain a projected rotational velocity of = 9.5 ± 0.2 km s−1 for HD 106906 b. This measurement together with a published photometric rotation period implies the companion is viewed nearly pole-on, with a line-of-sight spin axis inclination of ip = 14° ± 4° or 166° ± 4°. By contrast, the debris disk is known to be viewed nearly edge on. The likely misalignment of all three vectors suggests HD 106906 b formed by gravitational instability in a turbulent environment, either in a disk or cloud setting.