摘要:The massive concretemixing plan is very important due to its large volume of use in concrete dams.Productivity can be increased in dam manufacturing industry by adopting asuitable method for mixing mass concrete that can meet design, executive andeconomic needs. Because of intensification rate construction of dams newperiods and high cost of implementing such projects any step that reduces theircost of construction can lead to better use of national capital and rapidreturn on capital. One of the points that canbe made to reduce costs is the concrete mixing plan in all of these projectsespecially concrete dams due to high amount of concrete used. Considering thatthe required resistance in the body of concrete dam is not very high so theamount of using water in the massive concrete should be such that it ispossible to install the concrete with machines. Description overall boundaryheat in condensed concrete to avoid fracture and sturdiness issues. Protectionconcrete heat inside restrictions is a problematic issue.