摘要:Marine pufferfish Takifugu exascurus is not approved for human consumption due to the lack of information on its toxicity. To clarify the toxicity of T. exascurus, ten live specimens were collected from the Sea of Kumano, Japan, and the toxicity and tetrodotoxin (TTX) concentration were determined using mouse bioassay and high performance liquid chromatography-fluorescence detection (HPLC-FLD), respectively. Toxicity was observed in the skin, liver, and ovaries, but the testes and muscle were non-toxic (<10 MU/g). On the other hand, HPLC-FLD revealed that TTX was detected in the muscle in two of the 10 specimens (1.4 and 1.5 MU/g). Based on the results, TTX is the main toxic component contributing to toxicity in T. exascurus.