摘要:Enteric glial cells (EGCs) have been recognized as an important cell type constituting the enteric nervous system. EGCs control intestinal function and homeostasis through interactions with enteric neurons, epithelial cells and immune cells. To clarify the roles of EGCs in intestinal function and homeostasis, especially through secretion of and response to physiologically active substances, purified EGCs in primary culture have great advantages as an experimental tool. However, contamination by other cell types, fibroblasts in particular, is problematic in conventional primary myenteric culture. Previous methods to purify primary EGCs take a long time (over one month), are expensive, and are labor intensive. In the present study, we sought to purify primary EGCs from mouse small intestine by a simpler method than previous ones. After trying various protocols, we have established a method combining serum-free treatment and scraping fibroblasts off with a pipette tip. With our method, a purity of more than 90% EGCs was achieved after 14-d primary culture. Thus, our method is useful for investigating the roles of EGCs in intestinal function and homeostasis in detail in vitro.