摘要:Ovaj rad istražuje analizu poslovnih problema malih i neovisnih trgovaca, njihov utjecaj na razvoj gospodarstva sjeverozapadne Hrvatske, a posebno Varaždinske županije. Budući da mali i neovisni trgovci imaju iznimnu važnost za trgovinu sjeverozapadne Hrvatske kroz ovaj rad želi se prikazati njihov utjecaj na određene čimbenike u gospodarstvu, te sintetizirati osnovne probleme koji utječu na njihov razvoj. Kroz empirijsko istraživanje u radu se utvrđuju prednosti i slabosti neovisnih trgovaca, te važnosti potrebe za njihovim dobrim pozicioniranjem na tržištu, ali i boljim povezivanjem sa stalnim i potencijalnim potrošačima.
其他摘要:This paper analysis a business problems of small and independent traders e.g. their impact on the development of the economy in northwestern Croatia; especially Varaždin County. Since small and independent traders are extremely important for the trade in northwestern Croatia, this paper aims to show their impact on certain factors in the economy and to synthesize the basic problems that affect their development. Through empirical research the paper identifies the strengths and weaknesses of independent traders. Through the analysis in the research this paper contributes to a better understanding of the business of small and independent retailers, moreover the importance of the need for their good positioning in the market, and better connections with regular and potential consumers.