摘要:Carita Pantun, which is one of the oldest literatures in West Java, has now been integrated into Sundanese Local Content learning in secondary schools. However, the existence of this oral tradition is very rare, both in entertainment and ritual events. The inheritance of carita pantun that are not so enthusiastic is the most serious problem. As a result, this tradition gradually disappeared following the juru pantun (rhyme interpreter) to its grave. This study uses a qualitative approach with ethnographic methods. Data collection techniques in this study were interviews and observation. Based on the findings, 1) the carita rhyme performance by Mang Ayi has been modified according to the respondent's request, 2) The structure of the carita pantun includes: rajah, ending the story or narrative, description, dialogue, monologue, sisindiran or entertainment, prayer and closing, and 3) inheritance through the carita pantun documentary can represent a real carita pantun show that make students more interested and can easily find out the meaning and function of the show. The values in the rhyme are found in accordance with students' understanding, which include ritual media, entertainment facilities, educational facilities, contain social values, and reflect the religious community.
关键词:Inheritance;Structure Carita Pantun;Documentary Film;Sundanese Society;Learning