摘要:Microsoft PowerPoint was one of the Microsoft Office applications developed by Microsoft since 1990 and has been used widely for disseminating information and presenting reports. PowerPoints are normally produced in slides to be projected on the screen or whiteboard for the audience to see. However, the strengths of PowerPoint go beyond slide presentation. This study aims to discuss the role of PowerPoint in the teaching and learning besides identifying its usage in the development of a multimedia-based module. Interviews were conducted with four respondents who have used the PowerPoint-based module learning material. The respondents are students from Sultan Zainal Abidin University who enrolled in Arabic for beginner course. Feedbacks from students are evaluated to determine whether or not the PowerPoint-based module enhances their understanding in their learning. Despite its presence, not all educators take advantage of the benefits offered by PowerPoint which go beyond a static presentation to include elements of text, picture, graphic, animation and audio. The findings from this study indicate that materials produced by PowerPoint help enhance learner understanding. Therefore, its huge potentials can be explored further to produce multimedia-based teaching and learning materials.
关键词:PowerPoint;multimedia;teaching and learning;Arabic language;learner understanding