摘要:We examined the use of code-switching as a strategy in communication. This study investigates the impact of switching patterns on language processing by observing the Indonesian-English Code-switching practiced by one of the most prominent hotel employees in Makassar, Indonesia. This study applied a descriptive qualitative method to find the Indonesian-English Code-switching between Hotel's employees. Results from an oral production paradigm conducted with Indonesia–English bilinguals in the Hotel showed two essential parts: linguistic configuration and socio-pragmatic functions. Linguistic configuration consisted of switch segment which mainly occurred in single noun switching; the combination occurs between NP and HL, and the code-switching types found are intraclausal, intraphrasal, intralexical, interclausal and tag switching. While, the socio-pragmatic function of Indonesian-English Code Switching based on the data using Gumperz’s model are interjection or sentence filler, message qualification, personalization, and morphological adaptation. We highlight the importance of experience and individual differences in the study of the bilingual reason for code-switching.