期刊名称:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
出版社:International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education
摘要:INTRODUCTION In 1864, Stephen A. Morse, an enterprising mechanic, invented the Morse taper connection which was used to connect two rotating machine components in drilling machines. This connection was later used by the orthopaedic industry under the generic name of “Morse tapers” AIM The aim of this survey is to assess and create awareness among UG dental students about morse taper in implant MATERIALS & METHODS This is a survey carried out among UG dental students about morse taper in implant . A questionnaire consisting of 10 questions regarding morse taper was framed and shared using a link created by google forms and circulated to 100 UG dental students. And the final result was statistically analysed and interpreted. RESULTS Overall the study concluded that 62% of them are aware of morse taper in implant. Remaining 38% of them are not aware about morse tapering in the implant. It was clear that the majority of I year students and III year students 20% of them are not aware of morse taper implant. 20 % of the I year students don't agree that morse taper implant reduces biofilm. Majority that is 19% of interns, support platform switching along with morse taper, which reduces marginal bone loss and provides space for soft tissue development. On the chi square test p value was found to be statistically significant. CONCLUSION The students were moderately aware of the morse taper in implants. Awareness was created among the students about morse taper in implants, its uses and indications and its significant role in the field of implantology.For them group discussion and seminar can be conducted to create awareness about morse taper.